I don't have much to report on our baby girl, except that she's still in there! Growing, kicking me on occasion, and pretty much staying put in the same position that she's been in for the last couple of months. Our little girl seems to be comfortable, and that's what matters..
I've been going to the doctor A LOT lately and am really feeling like I that has become my new residence! My Non-stress tests have been going fairly well, except for a couple where I had to meet with a doctor afterwards to see if they were going to let me go home or admit me. Thankfully I've been able to go home.
Everytime they check my fluid (that's around the baby) at my
NST's or at an ultrasound, my fluid has been steadily decreasing. I think in the past month I've lost close to four and a half centimeters (it's normal for it to decrease, but I guess I'm in the low range). I never really quite understood what that meant or why it was happening, but Dr. Klein said that due to my blood pressure I'm at risk of having a weak placenta and currently the placenta is not doing it's job which is why my fluid is decreasing so fast and it's not as high as it should be at this point in my pregnancy.
Thankfully they're keeping a close eye on me and our baby and they've been letting me go home each time, but have me come back a couple of days later. We'll see what they say on Tuesday! I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow and that's considered full term! I just hope that our little one keeps hanging on and continues to grow until the 19
th, but if she makes an early appearance we're ready for her!! :)
Thank you to everyone who has been so sweet with offering help with Payton, taking her while I'm at my appointments, calling to check on me, and just being so supportive and excited all at the same time! I feel very lucky to have you in our lives!! Hugs to you!!