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Friday, March 26, 2010

Bend and Snap

On Friday, March 12th, a few of my greatest friends and I went to Legally Blonde at the 5th Avenue Theater. We all met up at Purple in Seattle for dinner and drinks before heading to the show.
First, I LOVE Legally Blonde!
Second, I LOVE girls nights out!
Third, I LOVE being able to see Legally Blonde with some of the most FABULOUS girls around!!!!
Me, Elesha, and Tiffany
Maria, Natalie, and Molly

"Cheers to amazing friends!"

Love these girls! I had such an amazing time at dinner and at the show and every minute in between. It was a wonderful evening and I can't wait to do it again!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Little fish

Payton FINALLY started swimming lessons a week ago. We've been wanting to start her really learning to swim forever ago, but due to her sensitive skin we held off until it started to calm down more, but then one thing or another would come up and... well.. let's just say, we are just NOW starting her.
If Payton had it her way, she would spend 8 of her 12 waking hours in the bath and the other four chasing someone or being chased whilst taking a minute or two for a few snacks in between. That being said, she's very overdue for swimming lessons.

Gracie a little dip in a "puddle" that was on the ground near the hot tub. She so badly wanted to jump in the pool with her sister. It took a lot of restraint to keep her away from the deeper water, meaning deeper than the puddle.

When it was time for the lesson to be over, meltdown explosion took place! It was next to impossible to get her out of the swim center and to the car. I'm sure other mommas could hear the irritation in my voice as I was trying to get my wet squirmy daughter showered and dressed in the locker room without making a larger scene than the one that was already taking place by my little stubborn girl.
Since that exciting day, Payton now knows that after the lesson is over, she showers and heads home without a wrestling match. She's been so much better! Phew!