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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saturday night playdate

After a busy day Saturday, that night a couple of my close girlfriends came over to hang out and watch chick flicks. Ryan's group, Quiet Monkey Fight, was celebrateing their 50th show, so he wasn't home. Thankfully it gave me a great reason to have some girl time! Tiffany, Nika, and Nika's daughter Kiley (10 days younger than Gracie) came over..
Tiff and Gracie
Tiffany brought a bunch of chick flicks to watch, but unfortunately we didn't get to watch any of them. At one point we had put a dvd in the player, but never actually turned it on. We all kept chatting away and catching up.
Kiley and Nika
Unfortunately this was the first time that Nika and I had seen each other since we (the Zdeneks) had visited her in the hospital. It was long overdue and was great to be able to catch up. It's crazy on how busy life gets when you add a little person to your family! I can't believe the summer is almost over and soon we'll both be going back to work.. yuck!

Kiley (will be 9 weeks tomorrow) and Gracie (10 weeks)
This picture was taken at midnight and Kiley was still wanting to partack in the evening fun. Gracie, not much of a nightowl anymore, had passed out around 10ish. **She didn't wake me up until 6 a.m. this morning!! Yay!!**
The two girls are so cute together and I can't wait to see what they're like as they grow up. When Ryan got home he was able to see what it would be like if we were blessed with twin babies! We concluded that we are just fine with singletons.
It was so much fun having the two babies together. When one would hear the other fuss/cry, they would decide to fuss as well.
Payton thought it was pretty cool having two little babies, but didn't stay up too long to hang out. She went to bed at her normal bedtime and left us girls to continue our chatting.
Wednesday both girls, coincidentally, have their two month check ups. It will be interesting to see how much bigger Gracie has gotten and hear how much Kiley has grown too! Nika and I will have to call each other and share the kids stats. At both girl's one month check up, the two of them were the same height and weight. Too funny, considering they were the same weight and length when they were born too.

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